
About the Music

The Mountain Gators original songs are created from Collette Pastore’s own life experiences.  Many of the songs embody thought provoking introspect and imagery.  Collette delivers with an emotionally charged powerful vocal performance driven by the searing and rhythmic guitar playing of Steve Pastore and Chris Bernd.  The band is completed by drummer, Bill “mOOn”  and bass player J Combs.  


The band released their debut 9 song LP, “Lemmings” in 2023.  The album includes “Hanging Tree” a deeply moving song that is reminiscent of the Old West.  In those days the guilty and innocent were punished without proof of their crime.  Heavier Blues Rock songs, “Lemmings” was spawned from self-reflection and the message to be yourself and make your own success. “Time to Move On” is making the choice to leave a job, relationship or difficult situation. “Cali” an upbeat fun song that gets the crowd moving.  Collette reflects on growing up in California and her fondness of the carefree life.  “Beyond the Door” depicts the turbulent relationship of a couple making the decision to stay or walk away.  “What Have I Done” are words that everyone has uttered.  The regret or fallout of a bad decision that cannot be undone. The band shows another side of themselves with the jazz infused Blues songs, “Shades of Me”, Our Own Way and a song titled, “Devil in a Round House” that was inspired by Collette’s mom’s response to the news that she had moved into a round house.  This first album offers something for every listener.  

The Mountain Gators are excited about the new songs for their next album.

Special thanks to Recording Engineer, Scott Koopmann who recorded, mixed and mastered at Adirondack Recording Studio in Chestertown, New York.

Meet the Band

Collette Pastore


Steve Pastore


Chris Bernd

Guitar & Vocals

J Combs


Bill "mOOn"
